Friends of Dimond Park would not exist were it not for the hard work and dedication of our loyal volunteers. Their passion and support for the park really works wonders. And we're always looking for more members of the community to join us. It's a great way to give back! There are several ways to get involved:
Monthly Work Parties
Join us on the third Saturday of every month from 9 to 11 a.m. for litter pick-up, weeding, planting, watering, light repair, and other duties. Tools and gloves provided. Meet at the Scout Hut. La Farine on Fruitvale Ave. provides free pastries, while supplies last. View our calendar for upcoming dates.

Monday Litter Crew
Weekends are wonderful in Dimond Park, with parties, BBQ's, sports, hiking, and other fun stuff. Often, these activities bring with it a fair amount of litter. Enter the Monday Litter Crew to help spiff things up. The group meets at the Scout Hut 8 a.m. All supplies are provided. Just look for the friendly folks in neon vests!
Board of Directors
The crown jewels of Dimond Park are its beautiful and stately trees. To help ensure their health and happiness, volunteers "adopt" trees to care for, including watering during the dry season and monitoring their condition. Contact us to learn more about adopting a tree.

Board Officer
To ensure FODP's efforts are organized and effective, it is managed by a Board president, secretary and treasurer. The success of our group and the health of the park relies on these crucial contributions. The board meets monthly, no experience is required, and duties are light. Contact us if you'd like to serve.
Monday Litter Crew
Weekends are wonderful in Dimond Park, with parties, BBQ's, sports, hiking, and other fun stuff. Often, these activities bring with it a fair amount of litter. Enter the Monday Litter Crew to help spiff things up. The group meets at the Scout Hut 8 a.m. All supplies are provided. Just look for the friendly folks in neon vests!
Board of Directors
Board Member
The Dimond Park board members provide support to the Board Officers. They often join monthly board meetings to provide feedback, offer suggestions, lead special projects, and other tasks. Their support is key to helping the board reach its goals. Contact us if you'd like to serve.

Share Expertise
Do you have a background in native plants, the environment, city government, non-profits, legal work, marketing, event planning, or other applicable skills and experience? If so, consider sharing them with us to aid in the care and support of Dimond Park. Your contributions may come in handy! Let us know.